Price Lake Outing

March 12, 2013

We are holding an outing at Price Lake on the last Saturday of April. (thats April 27th)

This outing has become a bit of a tradition for us at South Sound Fly Fishers. The last two times we have done this outing, we all had outstanding times.

The plan is the same as before. If you would like to come, sign up at the general meeting on Tuesday, or email Ryan at

Even if you decide to come spur of the moment thats okay too. We will all meet up in Hoodsport at the Hoodsport Grocery store. We will need to park a few cars on the South side of the store, and car pool up because there is limited space up by the lake. This lake is only fishable by a floating device such as a pontoon boat, float tube or small lightweight car topper boat. It is a bit of a hike into the lake so make sure it is light enough to carry.

For more info on the lake and how to fish it, here are a few references

Price Lake Takle, Bugs & Misc – By Mel Hurd

Deer Hair Dragon – By Ryan Haseman

Marabou Damsel– By Ryan Haseman