Expanding knowledge of South Sound Cutthroat

April 14, 2013

Here in the South Puget Sound, we are fortunate to live among a fishery than many of us hold dear to our hearts, Sea-Run Cutthroat. Although we fisherman may have a long history with these wild fish, from a scientific standpoint, there is still a lot that we don’t know. The number of research papers about Sea-Run Cutthroat pales in comparison to other salmonids.

This is a potential threat to the conservation of these fish and others in the south Puget Sound, because as we have learned all too well, what we don’t know CAN hurt them.

surveyA few members of SSFF have taken the initiative to help build the knowledge base. Jason Small and Ryan Haseman are working with WDFW to count cutthroat redds on various creeks in the south sound. After being trained on the survey protocol and redd identification, they have had some success in identifying new spawning areas.

They are also helping to develop the WDFW new record/survey methods using Smartphones and ODK survey. So far it has been a very useful tool.

Jason has also been busy working with the Nisqually Reach Nature Center, WDFW, DNR and Puget Sound Corps.  Recently he attended a training in beach sampling and forage fish egg identification. They are getting ready to start looking for beaches within the Nisqually reach aquatic zone that have spawning sand lance and surf smelt.





Mark your calendars!

September 14th – SSFF will be arranging a Deschutes river clean-up.

October 12th – SSFF will be arranging a Nisqually river clean-up.