Regardless of whether you typed in southsoundflyfishers.COM or southsoundflyfishers.ORG, you will be directed here – the new website for the club. For those of you who have been around for more than 2 years, it might seem like Back To The Future – when you always went to “.org” for the club’s site.
As the (relatively new) webmaster, I have been working to try and bring the best of both sites together at this one location. Like the .com site, you can find a calendar of events, the ability to pay club dues online, make donations to our conservation causes, and meet the board of directors. Like the old .org site, you can also find new announcements and the ability to submit a catch report for fishing on Munn Lake. New to this site is the ability to submit a membership application online and order Mel Hurd’s guide “Fly Fishing For Searun Cutthroat in South Puget Sound”. You’ll also see a tighter link to the club’s Facebook page.
I hope you enjoy the new site. No software project is ever complete, so I’m calling it “almost done”. If you have some suggestions to improve the usability, feel free to use the “Contact” tab and leave your comments. It will help me make it a little closer to being “almost done”.
Vic Andrade, club Web Master