Since our May 17-19th outing this month is before our monthly club meeting, I wanted to ensure you received the trip information earlier than our normal newsletter. We will be fishing in the Quincy and Sun Lakes area which is 3 ½ hour drive east of Olympia, WA. We will be camping in the vicinity of the Quincy Lake Public Access Boat Launch. Max will arrive on Wednesday if you plan to fish during the week, while most others will be staying Friday through Sunday. The club will be providing a ‘Dutch Oven’ Chicken Enchilada dinner Sat night. Other than that, you need to bring your own food and camping gear. Hotels are also available in Quincy 9 miles to the north. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Sunday to president@southsoundflyfishers.org with your name, phone number, and expected arrival day to be added to the group communication.
Thank you,
Jared Wood
SSFF President