Our speaker this month will be Tom Harwood.
Tom has been collecting antique fishing tackle for more than 30 years. He is a Life Member and has been the national president of the Old Reel Collectors Association, ORCA. Tom hosted the ORCA national convention 15 years ago. He is also a Life Member and past regional vice president of NFLCC (National Fishing Lure Collectors Club) and has hosted multiple regional conventions.
Tom is also the co-author, with Russ Christianson, of Northwest Fishing Reels – A Collectors Guide to Fishing Reels from the Great Northwest.
After retiring from Graybar Electric, Tom built a house and a personal museum at Iron Springs by Copalis
Beach where he hopes to successfully learn to fly fish for Surf Perch. Tom’s presentation will cover
historical, economic, and technological influences that lead to the sport fishing we do today. His presentation will focus on fly fishing related items, but will also touch on bait casting to trolling for salmon.
Come to the meeting, I think you will find this a most interesting presentation.