Annual SSFF Member Picnic

August 16, 2024

August marks the return of our annual South Sound Fly Fishers family picnic. We hope you will be able to join our club at the Scott Lake Community Park on Tuesday, August 20th starting at 5:30.

The club will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone. Members are asked to bring a side dish or a dessert along with the beverage of their choice. Be sure to bring chairs to relax in and your most trusted fly rod.

We will have casting games for distance and accuracy, and you can even try out your expertise on the FFI Skills Development Gold Course we had at our last meeting. This is a family event so bring your spouse, kids, best friend, or live-in guests. We will have a social time from 5:30 – 6:00, and the burgers and hotdogs will start to be served after 6:00.