Club Meeting Featuring Mike Sturza

January 19, 2025

Our Monthly meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 7 PM, with doors opening at 6:45. Here at our first meeting of the year, it is a great time to connect with other members. We will be looking for ways to have more informal fishing outings. We are developing a Google Group where members can reach out to informally fish together. This will be open to paid members. Speaking of which, please remember we are collecting the membership dues either on the web site or in person. By writing a check and mailing it in or delivering it in person, more of your money goes to supporting the club by avoiding Paypal and credit card surcharges.

The success of the club depends on your participation and support. We are grateful to have 2 new board members and a new secretary. We still need help to fill an Outings and Programs chair. The Outings Chair would help coordinate fishing outings and the Programs Chair would line up speakers for our monthly meetings. As Lee Yeager has explained, he has a list of possible speakers to make the job straight forward for someone. As the current treasurer, he has enough work to make sure our finances are in order.

Continuing with programs, our speaker this month is Mike Sturza, the owner of Lost Creek Fly Shop and Mike Sturza’s Fly fishing guide service. Mike is a lifelong resident of Lewis County and started flyfishing in the early 1980’s. He will enlighten us on the opportunities that are available in the area and probably have a few good stories.

Our Introduction to Fly Fishing class will be starting up in February. For more details about all these topics, check out the most recent issue of our newsletter – The Garden Hackle.