Club Members – Help Support SSFF

October 15, 2024

The SSFF club needs the support of its members to continue its mission of promoting the sport through education and the conservation efforts it supports. We need to infuse our board with some fresh faces to fill some vacancies and help those that have been doing double duty to keep our club going. We would like our members to consider taking on the following positions as we approach a new year. These are brief descriptions and further details are in our Bylaws. We especially need someone to fill the role of President, Secretary, Director at Large, Programs, Outings, and Conservation. These have either been vacant (Secretary, Conservation) or will need to be replaced because the current person is stepping down.

President – Chairs the monthly board meetings. With the board, develops the budget and helps guide the overall direction of the club. Votes on any motions associated with board business.
Vice President – Chairs the monthly board meetings in the President’s absence. Votes on any motions associated with board business.
Secretary – Attends the monthly board meetings to record the minutes. Votes on any motions associated with board business.
Director at Large – Attends the monthly board meetings. Votes on any motions associated with board business.
Various committee chairs.
Programs – Recruits speakers or other programs for our monthly regular meetings. Attends the monthly board meeting and gives a summary of the program for our newsletter.
Outings – Leads planning for monthly fishing outings. Attends the monthly board meeting and gives a summary for our newsletter.
Membership – Leads the welcome of new members and response to membership issues. Attends the monthly board meeting and gives a summary for our newsletter.
Conservation – Heads any connections to other conservation groups. Attends the monthly board meeting and gives a summary for our newsletter.

There are other chairs, as listed at the back of our newsletter, but some our officers and chairs are willing to continue in their current roles. This is your club. Please consider supporting it in a personal way.