
Interested in Joining SSFF or renewing?

  • Club meetings feature guest speakers on a variety of fly fishing topics. Meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month 7:00 PM (except August and December).
  • Regular club outings offer chance to explore new waters and learn how to fish them. Learn new techniques from basics to advanced level. Get to know your fellow members up close.
  • Classes are available on fly fishing, fly casting, and fly tying.
  • Be part of a group that is devoted to conservation and protection of our water and fish resources. Have your interests represented  on state and regional boards and commissions.

Membership runs from January 1 to December 31. Fill in the fields below and pay online with PayPal or credit card. Alternatively, download and complete the Membership Application. Return it with a check for $45.00 for new members, $40.00 for existing members (renewing), or if you are joining after July 1 $25.00 and mail it to the following address. $5 of a new member’s fee is for the name badge. Family memberships: Spouses are considered a family membership – Please remit $40 for the family membership plus $5 for each person’s name badge. Thereafter, families renew at $40:
South Sound Fly Fishers
PO Box 2792
Olympia, WA 98507

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Pay $45.00 for New Member

Pay $40.00 for returning (renewing) membership

Pay $25.00 for New Members joining after July 1

-Your information will not be sold or used in any way other than to convey information pertinent to South Sound Fly Fishers Club activity.