Sea Run Cutthroat Fishing Guide


Each year I am amazed (but not necessarily disappointed) in the relatively few anglers I encounter on the bay. And then I remember how overwhelmed I was when I first started; the sheer vastness of the water, the constantly changing tides, and the unknown habits of the prey made the entire effort more than a little intimidating. However, thanks to some willing mentors and a little determination on my part, I not only overcame my intimidation and began to experience some success but also came to appreciate how fortunate I was to have such a vibrant and challenging fishery so close at hand. ”

Mel Hurd, past President and a longtime member of SSFF, is the author of this incredible booklet. Mel originally wrote the booklet in 1993 and revised it in 2006. The 20 page booklet is one of the most informative references for the South Sound area with locations, tactics, etc. This booklet comes highly recommended by many members of our club, who has had success by following Mel’s tips. Mel has graciously made his booklet available to the SSFF. The booklet is available for a minimum donation of $10.00. Your donation includes postage for mailing the booklet to you. All proceeds go into our Conservation donation funds. Some members have donated more than the minimums, and for your extra donations we thank you!

If you would like to make a donation to receive a copy of Mel Hurd’s guide to finding and fishing for sea run cutthroat in the South Puget Sound:

  • Fill out the information below, hit the submit button
  • Make a donation of $10.00 with PayPal or credit card
  • A copy will be mailed to you.

Alternatively, you can send a check to our Treasurer, Jim Maus SSFF P.O. Box 2792, Olympia WA 98507. Fill out the form and in the Comments, indicate that you are paying by check. As soon as Jim receives your donation, the booklet will be mailed out. If you use PayPal or credit card you will receive your booklet sooner than sending your check to the PO Box.

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Use PayPal or Credit Card for $10 Payment

South Sound Fly Fishers is a Non-profit corporation registered with the State of Washington. South Sound Fly Fishers is a tax exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3). Donations to SSFF are tax deductible to the full extent of IRS guidelines. Thank you for your donation!