New Videos for Your Entertainment

July 23, 2011

Fly by Ronnie B. Goodwin

Ronnie B. Goodwin is an award winning film maker out of Scotland. You can check him out here. He also has a passion for fly fishing which he shows us in his video modestly titled


. Very nice video. Simple, clean yet exciting.

FLY from Ronnie B. Goodwin on Vimeo.

Bidasoa Trouts by flymage

Here is another clip from across the pond. Produced by Flymage in Norther Spain, this video shows some great water, beautiful scenery and some decent trout as well. Very classy. Flymage also publishes a fly fishing magazine and have an english version. Check it out, there are some great shots.

BIDASOA TROUTS from Flymage Magazine on Vimeo.

Hardcore Fly Tying by Chase Handcock

This fly tying video is…different, but interesting to say the least. When people think about fly tying not many people think, hardcore or headbanging scream your head off music. But hey, who are we to judge. This just goes to show that fly fishing isn’t a sport for a bunch of old rich white guys anymore. The fly being tied here looks pretty fishy as well. The credits reference Blackfly Outfitters, which is a guide service and shop out of Jacksonville Florida, so I assume this is a saltwater fly for those waters. If you aren’t digging the music just turn your speakers down and enjoy a good fly tie.

Hardcore Fly Tying 20 – Swamp Monkey from chase hancock on Vimeo.